Support the Frisco Band with Community Rewards!
Shop and support the Frisco High School Band without even thinking about it. Read below for the programs we participate in, and please consider designating the Frisco High School Band Boosters as your charitable organization of choice. Most of the programs are so easy to enroll, you just click on the images below and enter a few details for our Band to start earning free money! And it is stores you are already going to such as Kroger, Amazon, Academy Sports, Barnes & Noble and Tom Thumb.
We would love to have 100% participation! If you have any questions, contact our Community Rewards Chair.
Kroger Community Rewards
- Go to or click on Kroger image
- Sign In with your Kroger Plus Card # or Create an Account Link to FRISCO HIGH SCHOOL BAND BOOSTERS Organization #LJ883
- You MUST scan Your Kroger Plus Card or type in Alternate ID each time you shop unless purchasing online for FHS Band to earn $$$
Kroger continues to have a very strong community reward system. Kroger is giving away $4,000,000.00 a year to participating organizations and every little bit of your grocery receipt can help us towards obtaining some of that free money!
Amazon Smile
- Login to your account or click on the image and login
- Click Accounts & Lists
- Select Your Amazon Smile
- Make sure you go to each time you shop
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Frisco High Band!
- Go to
- Click on Install Button
- Click on Add To Chrome
- You should see a tiny button that looks like a seed in your browser
- Everytime you shop online at participating stores, such as Academy Sports and Barnes & Noble, you’ll see the iGive Button saying “iGive On” in the lower right hand corner of the site’s web page, confirming that your purchases there will help Frisco High School Band Boosters
- If you already have an account, select Account #73537 FRISCO HIGH SCHOOL BAND BOOSTERS
iGive is essentially a store rebate program where iGive members have the opportunity to donate their rebate to their chosen cause. In this case, to the Frisco High Band!

Tom Thumb Good Neighbor
- Sign up at any Tom Thumb store customer service desk
- Use a Tom Thumb Rewards card and ask to link to it to Frisco HS Band Boosters Association (Charity #9119)
- Each time you shop, scan your reward card BEFORE making your purchase
Tom Thumb will pay 1% of your total grocery purchases to the Frisco High Band!