Hello, parents of incoming members for 2022-23! We CANNOT WAIT to welcome your students (and your whole family!) into the Frisco Band Family.

If you were not able to join our zoom meeting on Monday, November 15, please access the materials below. Please don’t hesitate to email Mr. Simon with any questions at all about the program! simond@friscoisd.org

Sign-In Sheet (please ‘sign-in’ so we may keep track of who has received the information- thank you!)

Video recording of meeting

(We apologize that the wrong screen was shared for the first several minutes of the live presentation- you may access the pdf file below of the slides, to follow along and see what was not displayed!)

PDF of presentation slides for reference



The Frisco Band Staff

David Simon

Matthew Courtney

Heath Dillard

Toby Leikness

Phil Martinez